It will introduce this service from mid-November for its iconic bags, the idea being to extend it later to all bags and other product categories. Upon purchase in the brand’s boutiques, the customer will be given this certificate of craftsmanship in the form of a physical card associated with the product’s serial number. This card will give the customer free access to an unlimited number of refreshments and repairs for the purchased bag.Bottega Veneta intends to further encourage the use of its products across generations. “The Certificate of Craftsmanship was born out of a desire to offer our customers a superior service of long-term preservation of their products. We are focused on responsible growth. Our intention is to keep products in use longer, reducing the need to replace them,” explains CEO Leo Rongone.
“Our vision remains consistent with that of our founders. They wanted Bottega Veneta to represent the highest and most refined form of luxury. We count the days, not the hours, to make our products. They are designed to last forever,” he continues.Bottega Veneta is not the first label to offer this type of lifetime guarantee. Other luxury houses do it, such as leather goods maker Maison Ravn. But this certificate will further elevate the brand’s image, reminding us of its exclusivity through products made using artisanal techniques from exceptional materials.